Are We There Yet?

The destination may be the reward for faithfulness and obedience, but it’s the journey of getting there that God uses to develop in us the kind of faith and trust we must have to accomplish His purposes. —– Paul —–

Bible Haiku

I don’t claim to be a poet or a writer, so I can’t tell you why I felt like writing a couple of Haiku, but here they are nonetheless. This one is based on Matthew 16:24-26… One must die to self But will faith overcome fear? Time to truly live And this one is based…

Child coloring w crayons

Writing with Crayons

Don’t you love the smell of crayons?  That very distinctive waxy smell opens the floodgates for all kinds of memories.  I have such a vivid image in my mind right now of one of my own children handing me a picture she just made using crayons.  The huge proud smile on her face beaming up…

Everest Beyond the Limit - Discovery Channel

Mountain Climbing

One of my favorite shows is “Everest: Beyond the Limit” on the Discovery Channel.  The show follows several people on their quest to reach the top of Mount Everest.  Some make it to the top, others don’t.  To even make the attempt requires not just time and money, but also extensive preparations in the form…

Atlanta cityscape seen from above

Living in Godly Suburbia

I had an interesting thought the other day as I was driving through Atlanta.  I’m not an Atlanta-area native, so I have a difficult time figuring out where one city or community ends and the next one begins.  I’m sure the city of Atlanta proper has boundaries…I just can’t tell where the city of Atlanta…

Where’s the Starting Line?

Every journey must start somewhere.  The Bible says that we are to “run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1), but where is the starting line?  In the journey of life, there could be several occasions where we could draw a big line and say, “This is it!  This is where…